Friday 21 October 2011

Rebol obfuscated code

If you don't know what is the obfuscated code, read this page:
Now you are ready to start to know how is possible that both these two scripts produce the following output:


N  O  W     P  E  R  L     U  S  E  R  S     W  O  N  '  T
 F  E  E  L     L  E  F  T     O  U  T


Here the first source:

Title: "Alien Dialect"
Date: 10-Mar-1999
File: %alien.r
Purpose: "It came from outer space"
Comment: {
Rebol is not tied to any specific syntax, and
can even accommodate a program written entirely
in punctuation marks. This script is a good
example of which punctuation can be utilized
in words, as well as showing the flexibility of
dialects in REBOL.
Remember: many punctuation characters
are reserved for use by Rebol.
Challenge to the Rebol learner: Try to follow
what is going on in this script.
library: [
level: 'advanced
platform: none
type: none
domain: 'x-file
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
Version: 1.0.0
Author: "Anonymous"
!: :do `=`~: char! __: " "
`-`: :make *!*: integer! `~-: 0
&: :func ``=: word! `~.: 1
_: :load !-.: :head `~..: 2
|: :if |-.: :tail `~...: 3
?: :loop |~.: :insert `~....: 4
|~: :print `!: :repeat `-: 5
|~|~: :prin `-`~: :copy `.: 6
`: :add _._: block! `..: 7
||: :any &~: :not `...: 8
`|: :foreach &!`~: "^/" `....: 9
`~`~: & [&&.] [`-` _._ &&.]
&|~&: `~`~ {
78 79 87 32 80 69 82 76
32 85 83 69 82 83 32 87
79 78 39 84 32 10 70 69
69 76 32 76 69 70 84 32
79 85 84
?||.: `-` `~- `~.... ** `~...; @% ^^/ \# $<>
&~|: & [] [
? ?||. [|~|~ `-` `=`~ (`.. * `.)]
&~| |~ &!`~
|~_: & [!!!] [
`| _! !!! [|~|~ [`-` `=`~ _! __]]
|~ `-` `=`~ 10
|~_ &|~&
&~| |~|~ `-` `=`~ ` `... `~..

and here the second source:
Title: "Alien Dialect Explanation"
Date: 10-Mar-1999
File: %alienexp.r
Purpose: "It came from outer space explained."
Comment: {
Rebol is not tied to any specific syntax, and
can even accommodate a program written entirely
in punctuation marks. The script %alien.r is a
good example of which punctuation can be
utilized in words, as well as showing the
flexibility of dialects in REBOL.
This file contains a more conventional
explanation of the code behind the %alien.r
script. It is a direct translation and
functions exactly as does its counterpart.
library: [
level: 'advanced
platform: none
type: none
domain: 'x-file
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
Version: 1.0.0
Author: "Anonymous"
make-block: func [any-block] [make block! any-block]
num-block: make-block {
78 79 87 32 80 69 82 76
32 85 83 69 82 83 32 87
79 78 39 84 32 10 70 69
69 76 32 76 69 70 84 32
79 85 84 }
loop-size: make integer! 4 ** 3; example of bad characters
divide-text: func [] [
loop loop-size [prin make char! (7 * 6)]
divide-text print "^/"
make-msg: func [num-set] [
foreach num num-set [prin [make char! num " "]]
print make char! 10
make-msg num-block
divide-text prin make char! add 8 2

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